Tuesday 24 June 2014

Energy EXPO Day Wrap Up!

Year 6 Science Expo – Energy!

Year 6 you have excelled yourselves today in your Expo style presentations about renewable energy sources for our world.  Your stands that explained different types of renewable energy such as biofuel energy, wind energy, solar energy, ocean energy and geothermal energy.  All groups worked together extremely well to create some amazing, informative displays that children from other classes and many parents visited today and clearly enjoyed.  Thank you boys and girls for educating us about how to address our energy needs in a sustainable way into the future.

Year 6 Science Expo - Energy! on PhotoPeach

Tuesday 17 June 2014

Energy EXPO Day

turkey energy expoGreen Energy Expo Daegu All parents and friends of Year 6 students are invited to attend our Energy Expo day on Wednesday, 25th June from 9:15am.

Come and see the amazing stands that Year 6 have created to explain and display the advantages of various sources of renewable energy.

The Expo will be open throughout the day from 9:15am till 2:00pm (with breaks taken for Recess and Lunch).

We look forward to sharing our learning with you!

Year 6 Students! To get the best result for all your hard word, you should refer to the marking criteria below and make sure your have covered all points well:

Your Mark
1.       Name and definition of energy source

2.       Advantages of your energy source

3.       Explanation sequence – a clear description of how your energy source works

4.       Clearly labelled diagram

5.       Creative model, representation or samples of energy source

6.       Extras (eg business cards, fact cards, quizzes etc)

7.       Aesthetics – how does your stand look – appeal.

Good luck to all our budding environmental scientists!

Monday 16 June 2014

Maddy's Blog


Click here to find out what fun adventures Maddy has been having with her family.