Sunday 12 October 2014

Year 6 Scrapbook Instructions

Year 6 Scrapbook
Homework Schedule
This homework will continue until Week 9.  You are required to buy a book or use what you have at home to create your Primary School scrapbook.  You might like to use a book with blank pages like an art book to stick things on or a display folder or a scrapbooking album (K-Mart, Spotlight, Riot Art & Craft).  The choice is yours. 
This scrapbook is going to be about your journey and time at Sacred Heart Primary School (or other primary schools if you have attended more than one school).  Throughout the process you can use photos, drawings, pieces of work, certificates, poems or anything that describes your time at this school.  You will then need to write a reflection about each year in your primary school journey.

Wk 1        Cover page
Wk 2        Kindergarten
Wk 3        Year 1
Wk 4        Catch up week 
Wk 5        Year 2
Wk 6        Year 3
Wk 7        Year 4
Wk 8        Year 5
Wk 9        Year 6

You are to bring your scrapbook to school each Friday so your teacher can check your progress.  You will share your scrapbook at the Spirituality Day coming up later in the term. 

Display each year in a neat and interesting way, creating a wonderful reflection of yourself and your years at primary school.  Be as imaginative or creative as you like and enjoy reflecting on your Primary School Years.

Mrs McNally, Ms Rudd & Mrs Williams


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